Author: jkrum

Learning to Kiteboard

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Well I’ve been learning to kiteboard the last 4 months now that I live in the proper climate to do so. It has been a lot of fun… but at the same time it has been a pretty big struggle. Kiting has already helped to remind me that when I fall down or crash hard that I need to get back up and keep persevering. Though I am only 4 months into this learning cycle. It has already paid off. On a consistent wind day I can ride without falling as long as I’m not trying to teach myself new things.


Thursday Night Shoot

I went up near Frisco, TX the last night to try and get some star shots. Eventually I’d like to time lapse, though I wasn’t experienced enough and didn’t have time.

A weekend back in T-town

Well I went back home this weekend for a wedding. I got to spend some good time with some good friends while I was in town, but most importantly I stopped by to spend a couple of hours with my grandparents. I took some time to take a few pictures in their backyard while I was there as well. Say hello to Granddad Hartsell :).

Nature Shots

You can count on me posting any nature photos I have taken here when I have spare time!

The Stang

Well, give it up for the first post about my 69′ Mustang Fastback. A lot of hard work over the past ten years brought her to where she is now. Most of the work is under the hood and she still needs a lot done. Don’t be surprised when you hear me talk about the “old girl”, she’s not a 48 year old girlfriend, but she treats me right.

Hello world!

As a result of getting a new camera and being involved in the digital marketing industry, I have decided to start working on my own blog. I intend to post pictures pertaining to my life experiences that I have taken.